
Monday, April 23, 2012

Similarities, Differences, Judgment


  1. Hello, I am a female play write and I noticed that you are a very talented dancer. I think you and I are very alike in our passion for our craft. Even though I was never proposed to, I think it is very sweet that you were and you accepted and got married. I always wondered what being a wife felt like; do you like it? Does being married ever hinder you from doing your dancing?

  2. Oh why grazie for the compliment! And to answer your question, yes I do enjoy being married because love is a wonderful feeling. I do not think being married hinders me from dancing too much. Of course it adds an extra responsabilty but I will never let anything get in the way of my dancing!

  3. Despite the differences in our art, it is easy to see that you are una ballerina piĆ¹ appassionati e l'artista! And musica was certainly a large part of your life, otherwise...what would there be to dance to? It is wonderful to meet such a artista appassionato from my own homeland of Italia!

    1. per questo vi ringrazio molto for the compliment! And I agree that it is fantastico that we are both oh so talented and from Italia!

  4. Similarities: We are both Italian!
    Differences: You are a dancer and I am a composer
    Judgements: You have collected great artifacts that help describe your artist well.

  5. To be honest we have alot of similarities! Not only are we both strong women fighting for our art but we are both great performers! You are a beautiful dancer and I think we can be great friends! But we also have our differences...I can't dance :(

    1. Vi ringrazio, cari! I really do hope we can become grandi amici! Oh and I would be more than happy to help you out on dancing!

  6. We were both women during the enlightenment era! My husband died before I began writing, but some of my children got to experience my words. My husband meant the world to me and I was so very sorry to see him go. I would never have the courage to perform in front of people, so I deeply admire you!

    1. Oh I am so sorry about your husband I'm sure he was a great guy! I would sure love to read some of your writing sometime soon! And grazie it means a lot that you can admire me!
